We love fielding questions from our clients. One of them that is asked often is, ‘if breast thermography is so great, why isn’t it more readily available, and why isn’t it widely used?’ At ThermApproach, we asked the same question. The answer is somewhat political, but we believe this will help.

When thermography was first explored for breast imaging, it was viewed within the medical profession as a ‘competitor’ to mammograms, as it was tested and evaluated as a comparison. The tests wanted to determine whether or not it is safer, and more diagnostically correct than mammography. Because a mammogram looks at the anatomy of the breast, and thermography looks at the physiological makeup, this comparison is not valid.
In particular, when thermography was used with younger women, thermographic abnormalities were detected multiple times, but mammograms did not detect any abnormalities. The results were considered ‘false positives’. The more patients of the younger age bracket were screened, with so-called false positive results, the more suspicion was placed on thermography. Years later, in re-call studies, a large percentage of these women had developed breast cancer or other breast disease in the exact location where the abnormalities were found on the thermogram and considered false positives. These studies validated the early warning role that thermography played.
It's important to note that all reports are read and interpreted by medical doctors who are certified Board Certified in Thermology, in addition to their own specialty. That is no different then the protocol followed with a mammogram.
Thermography was already being used in sports medicine, dentistry, podiatry, chiropractic, orthopedic rheumatology, and neurology in a variety of support adjunctive diagnostic roles.
It was soon realized that thermography could clearly, objectively, and easily demonstrate the physiological component of pain and injury in the spinal column. This was particularly helpful when the pain and/or injury was from a car accident, job injury, and many other areas where legal action may have come into play. Everyone involved was shown to benefit from these positive tests, which could clearly be shown to the jury. Everyone, that is, except the insurance industry.
The insurance industry in the United States went all out in an effort to diminish the value of thermography in courts of law due to high the high cost of litigation. Eventually, lobbying efforts at the AMA’s House of Delegates and at Medicare, brought about the removal of thermographic coverage by most insurance companies and the greatly reduced utilization of thermography in the United States. This was most unfortunate for the patients who could clearly benefit from thermal imaging.
More and more women are taking back control of their own health. Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) – thermography – is gaining ground and being used in practices around the country. Women want thermography, are understanding it, and seeking it out. Thermography alerts your medical practitioner to very early changes, is safe, and radiation free. As with a mammogram, having an annual thermogram allows women to monitor their breast health more closely.
At ThermAppoach, we utilize sophisticated infrared technology and innovative computer software to capture the images in the form of an infrared thermogram, or heat picture. All reports are interpreted by medical doctors that are Board Certified in Thermology.
Before you can feel it, thermal imaging can see it. Please call our office to schedule your screening today.